10 Jan 2022, First Ten Days in Green Turtle Cay, 26 45.546 N/ 077 19.8 W
We arrived at St. Lucie International Airport at 0900
waiting for Brad from Island Tymes. The cat was packed and we were
ready to go, with over a cubic yard of 'stuff', including cat
essentials, clothes, medicine, and more medicine.
We 'hopped' onto the Piper Aztec and we must have been a sight to see as
we embarked. We decided not to drug the cat as this trip promised to be
smooth and short. At 1000, wheels were up and soon after we were flying
over the St. Lucie Inlet while we were chasing the leading edge of a
dissipating cold front. Bob was in the front seat while Ann, Mattie,
and the 'stuff' were in the rear 4 seats.
Bob fascinated with the gauges, meters, and nav stuff. Lots of
expensive new equipment, like the all-in-one Garmin navigator, radar,
radio, and transponder. Brad said that LeRoy the Lucky Chicken was with
us to ensure a nice flight. He has their co-pilot for over 6 years.
Hope he is at his best this trip.
Brad has been in the charter business for many a year. It
turns out that his partner is 40 minutes ahead of us, also on the way to
Treasure Cay airport on Great Abaco. The partner was confirming the
best path and altitude to penetrate the decaying squall line. As we
crossed the squall, it got a little rolly as our speed increased by
15-20 kts. Mattie was not impressed and bellowed out some meows.
We see a distant Green Turtle Cay forward of our port wing. GTC has no
airport so we will have to check into customs at Treasure, hire a
cab, take the ferry to cross the Sea of Abaco, and take a golf cart to Rose Cottage.
And so we did. We landed in Treasure at 1100, 40 minutes
behind the other Island Tymes Aztec. The airport did not fare well from
Dorian. The Central Abacos was destroyed where all of the tall pines
were destroyed as were the towns, resorts, and airport, Brad took charge
of directing us to customs, fetching us a cab, and waiting for us to get
processed. Customs and Integration were in a reclaimed but damaged RV.
That was all that was left of the airport.
Lucky, the cab driver took us to the BOLO ferry dock outside of
Treasure, where he helped unload our 'stuff'. We were about 15 minutes
early we (actually Capt Josh and his mate) loaded our 'stuff', the cat,
Ann, and myself onto BOLO III.
Fifteen minutes later, he had a half full BOLO headed for GTC. The 20-
minute trip from the 'mainland' to New Plymouth was on nearly flat on
calm Sea of Abaco. The BOLOs are the main people transportation on and
off the island. Of the 4 vessels, only one was operable after Dorian.
Now there are three. The 4th was sunk but was salvaged and is waiting
in the boatyard for its restoration.
Our cruising buddies Yvonne, Joe, Sandy, and John of SV Modaki and SV
Sandy's Way were waiting for us at the BOLO dock as were our cottage
host, Julie, and our golf cart providers (). With a minimum of fuss, we
were installed in our new home, the Rose Cottage (1866 John Lowe House).
Once alone, we opened a box of wine, sat on the porch, and were
welcomed back to Green Turtle Cay.
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