9 Jan 2024, Green Turtle Cay: Home at Last, 26 46.83 N/ 077 20.526 W
Capt. Bob and Mate Mattie look forward to this
time as we know that its time to travel to Green Turtle Cay
in the Bahamian Abacos. This is the fifth trip to Green
Turtle for Mattie and me: Two by sea and now three by
charter plane. Sadly, Capt. Ann passed away after
finishing the first charter flight in 2022. Now all of
trips to GTC are Trips of Remembrance, New Memories,
and Happiness. It is a good time!
9 Jan 2024: SV Over Budget (OB) Crew Comes a visiting
We invited Jinny and JW of SV OB
to share our charter flight and our rental cottage and discover GTC. Though they are
accomplished sailors in their 49' Hylas, Over Budget, they have never sailed to GTC. On 3 January, We arrived at Treasure Cay from Ft. Pierce at 1100. We then caught a cab to the ferry harbour near the airport, arrived at the ferry dock in Settlement harbour at 1120, and unpacked our bags at Jule Faaringron's Rose Cottage. We were settled-in after we finished setting up Mattie Kay's litter box, food, treats, and water.
OB stayed for nine days. They got the newbie treatment with trips to Hilliam, Long, Bitta, Ocean, and Coco Bays, including the North Point Cross; we went to most of the restaurants in the Settlement and the Green Turtle Club on the North side. They got real enjoyment with the newly re-opened Alton Lowe Museum. We gave them a copy of the history of GTC, named "Those Who Stayed".
We ate out many times but we also enjoyed the fine cooking of Jinny - like old times on our boats. They liked to read and they finished their afternoons reading and a 1 hour nap. I invited them to Sowndowners on Wednesday to celebrate our tradition of pizza Wednesday. I think they liked it.
But all good things have to come an end. They got a return flight with Island Tymes on 12 January.
16 Jan 2024: Karen's Return
Karen is a veteren of GTC travel. She visited us
last year and loved the place, her people and the visiting cruising community. Hopefully she will enjoy this year as much as last.
We picked Karen up at the Marsh Harbour Airport (MHH) the same time as last year. Weather was good, I got a rental car, remembered to drive on the left, got to MHH on time, and Karen passed customs in about a half hour. The return trip went on as last year's. Karen was happy to see the Rose Cottage and Mattie Kay again.
The weather was cold, hot, calm, windy, clear, and rainy;
a typical Abaco early winter day, much like two years ago with Ann, and
like last year. The island looks a bit better evey year since Dorian.
The famous Bahamian artist, Alton Lowe, would paint many 'people pictures' on Bay St.where I was standing. This part of Bay St. looks remarkably like Bay St. of decades before.
We are still in Jule's Rose Cottage, a place
that is beloved by all that come and visit. There are lots of good memories there. We explored the new 'road' circling the Gilliam Bay; Bay St. where all that remains of Harvey's are the picnic tables; looking down at the New Plymouth from the Batelco site; St. Peter's Anglican Church, and much, much more.
18 Jan 2024: Ships of the Cay
The community's Mail Boat has been the MV Legacy (BS) until she went hard aground in the February of 2023. She was later 'totaled' (but maybe not). MV Champion III (PA) took on her duties with the Abaco a few weeks later. She has experienced problems throughout 2023 and continues to struggle in 2024. I now track MV C3 instead of Legacy and report my finding to Julie Smith and others.
When necessary, Julie is supported by her daughter, Tianna, and her Dad, Junior. When I am in Green Turtle I stand watch and talk to the folks at the Government Dock. I have been doing this for 5 years. It is still fun.
24 Jan 2024: Our Restaurants
Not much has changed in Green Turtle Cay
in regards to restaurants and
business since our first arrival in 2018. Category 5+ Dorian and COVID did
a number on GTC where they are still recovering. Most of the restaurants
that were opened in 2018, have reopend with exception of the Turtle Crawl and Harvey's.
We can't pick a favorite as they have different foods with different memories.
We favor Plymouth Rock Liquor Store for their local breakfasts, their pizza
Fridays and of course their box wines; Sundowners for Jule III's Pizza Wednesday;
Two Shorty's for the island's fast food and specials; Mcintosh's Restaurant for their local and exotic foods and breakfasts; Wrecking Tree for lunch and dinner with high end meals; Green Turtle Club for great food and great scenery; and Tranquil Turtle for the beach scene. Mosty folks don't believe we have never gone to Pineapples. We are just too old!
28 Jan 2024: Taking Pictures
Picture to left is public dock in Settlement Harbour. Picture captions below:
1a: Rose Cottage, Cemetery, Pelican Cay, raized house
1b: Dump kitten, Settlement Harbour, Test, Anchor in Sea of Abaco
2a: Ocean Bay, Gilliam Bay N, Mailboat Crew, Sailboat in our back yard
2b: Bitta Bay N, Walking coach, Pelican Cay Sunrise, Batelco Hill
3a: Cool Bob, Abaco sunset, Coco Bay, Ocean Bay
3b: Breaking waves near Sundowners, Town cat, Swirl, N Gilliam
4a: Museum, Sky over the Sea, Pigs on Loyalist Rd., Bob/Liquor Store
Group #1
Group #2
Group #3
Group #4
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19 Feb 2024, On to Fortaleza, Brazil (by air), 3 52.704 S/ 038 32.844 W
I was invited to Fortaleza, Brazil by Jonathon
and Meriluce, formally of SV Majestic 7.They spend the Southern Summer
at their second home in an suburb of Fortaleza I quickly learned that there is no difference between the Summer and Winter seasons. Here all seasons are horribly hot, humid, and hazy [HHHH]. My first walking day lasted about twenty minutes before I suggested that we return to the house. By the time I got back, I was not sweating. I slept the rest of the day.
Next day I did much better. Maybe it was due to more motorized travelling.
We went to a visit the Porto Das Dunas ("a beautiful 10 kilometer stretch of beach completely surronded by huge white sand dunes") which has become a family oriented beach park. Our taxi became a dune buggy complete with a tour guide.It was a great experience with great company.
We traveled to the hills of Serra do Cipó
in the last days of my Fortaleza visit. It was a two hour drive by taxi to the foothills. It was full of forests, lakes, rural folks (compliment) and reminicent of many period movies of the South American countryside.
From my 3 hour visit, I find the countryside beautiful, full of hard working, devout Christions, and not so good roads. I would like to spend more time in this area next time.
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