From the Logs of the Jule III

Voyages of the Jule III

Updated 2021-06-23
The Boat

Updated 2024-09-04
The Crew

Updated 2024-09-11

Updated Continuously Weather




  We have had many planned trips for the Jule III in the past 25 years. Some were successful and most were memorable. With over 32,000 nm under Jule's keel, it has been an exciting ride. Check the links below and see for yourself:

Years 2010-2025

Jule III in 2024: 2024 is filled with TBD.

Jule III in 2023: 2023 is filled with more uncertainty. But Bob is back to his planning, sadly without the even keel ideas from Capt. Ann. Let's see what happens.

Jule III in 2022: With Covid, cancer, and age, we can only hope that we will to try and complete last year's goals which didn't happen. We were hoping a flight to Green Turtle and then a 6 month cruise to the Bay of Fundy region. Ann, the matriarch of the Todd family, passed away on 18 February 2022.(120/32,224 nm)

Jule III in 2021: Our second try to the Bay of Fundy has been scraped. Continuing health problems have reduced our great plans to a couple months of sailing on the Chesapeake and a month in the RV explaring New England (Plan C).(150/32,104 nm)

Jule III in 2020: COVID-19 played havoc on our 2020 plans. Hurricane Dorian ruined the Abacos, the people and plans to see them. The virus made our Bay of Fundy trip impossible. So we will dig into our bag of plans and see what we will see. (350/31,954 nm)

Jule III in 2019: This year (including Fall '18) is our last South. We beelined our way to Vero and Green Turtle last fall. Then we spent 3 month on the dock at Black Sound Marina (wonderful). Then we slowly headed for our new home port on the Chesapeake. This summer, we envision lots of family, driving, and exploring. (2,010/31,604 nm)

Jule III in 2018: We are getting old but not too old for one our Last Hurrahs. We are heading for lots of old places and a few places still on our bucket list. Mattie Kay is exciting about a possible promotion to Swab. (1,510/29,590 nm)

Jule III in 2017: With almost 26,000 nm under her keel, Jule III has served us well. Plans for 2017 will be modest as Capt. Bob has some health issues that may keep him in the USA. Stay tuned. (440/28,084 nm)

Jule III in 2016: We have a plan for Spring through Fall of 2016. But our plans have not gone as planned so we are holding off on discussing the plan. Stay tuned... Plan A turned out to be the plan; a nice trip to New England and Nova Scotia. (2,610/27,644 nm)

Jule III in 2015: Jule III was on the hard for a little engine work, some spar repairs, safety upgrades, and a bright new painted hull; then maybe, just maybe, we will do some cruising North then some cruising South. We both get eye operations early in 2015 so that will dampen our start. A little skin cancer (1,730/25,025 nm)

Jule III in 2013-2014: More bribes and lots more planning and we have a new Plan A. We hope to include the Annapolis Gam, the Salty Dawg Rally (we cancaled due to weather and judgement), a lazy winter in the Exumas, and a summer in new England and Nova Scotia. (5,205/23,295 nm)

Jule III in 2012-2013: The Captain bribed the Admiral with lots of her 'wants' and received her blessing and promised participation in a voyage to the Leeward Islands and Bermuda. We hope to see new islands and achieve our long time goal of entering Town Cut in St. Georges. Due to sickness and weather, we had to scale down our trip. Sigh! (2,378/18,090 nm)

Tripping in 2011-2012: After a successful voyage last season, we decided to stay close to homeport this winter season. We will resume our travels on Jule III in the Spring of 2012. A trip to the Dominican Republic and a Disney Cruise to the Caribbean may also be in the cards. (505/15,712 nm)

Jule III in 2010-2011: As our courage holds, so we will leave the North Carolina shores and head east for a week then point Jule towards the south to eventually intersect the eastern Caribbean. If our courage falters, there is always Plan B. (3,527/15,207 nm)

Years 2000-2009

    Jule III in 2009-2010: We are going cruisin' again! After many sad and stressful times, we are continuing our full time cruising (well, nearly full time). We are not going to jinx the outcome of our goals and destimations by enumerating them on these pages. Rather we will wait until we are 'there' to report back. Wish us luck! (2,011/11,680 nm)

    Jule III in 2008-2009: After nearly three years, we have a clean bill of health and passed our Coast Guard physicals. We are now getting back into shape. However, the pups are now the unhealthy ones and old ages is taking its toll, especailly on Levi, our 14 year old Husky/Malamute. So, this season will see limited cruising again; maybe just the Chesapeake/Wilmington shuffle. However, we do have a special trip planned for this year. (756/9,669 nm)

    Jule III in 2007-2008: The Fates are still opposing our cruising. The good news is that the puppies are doing well but slowing down. We hope that we have a couple more good years with them. Ann's medical situation continues to haunt us. Early 2008 will see her back in the hospital for corrective surgery. However, we hope to get some modest cruising adventures under our keel this season. We'll see! (1,285/8,913 nm)

    Jule III in 2006-2007: No major cruises this year as we are enjoying the famly and our aging dogs (the cat will never die). We are preparing Jule III for her next great voyage. While we wait for that time, we will shuttle between the Chesapeake and the Cape Fear. Sound boring? Maybe not! (756/7,648 nm)

    Voyage 2005-2006: We learned from the past several years not to have concrete plans. Sooo, we aren't telling you what we have planned other than general destinations. Stay tuned for this season's adventures of the Todd family on the Jule III! (1,932/6,892 nm)

    Voyage 2004-2005: We got a late start this year so we had to cancel our trip to New England (again). We are headed for the Bahamas again with a return trip to Bermuda (insurance permitting). Not so fast! Bob had a minor heart attack in September '04. Doctor says cruising is out the question this year. Stay tuned for updates on mini-cruises. (90/4,960 nm)

    Alternative Voyages: We delayed our trip to the Outer Bahamas until Fall of 2004. (see why). Instead we scheduled a seies of alternative trips to fill the winter/spring of 2004.

    Voyage 2002-2003: We headed back to the Bahamas, met many old and new friends, decided that dogs were dirt dwellers, almost lost the cat, family emergency, and lots of great cruising. Go have a look-see. (1,950/4,870 nm)

    Voyage 2001: We planned a bigger and better Voyage 2000 with more of a concentration on The Bahamas and pet management. No Go! Why? Check it out! (0 nm)

    Voyage 2000-2001: This was a 6 month experiment on coastal and offshore sailing. We sailed from the Chesapeake Bay to the Florida Keys, Dry Tortugas, and the Bahamas. The experiment was a success! (2,526/2,920 nm)

Years Before 2000

    Voyage 1997: We planned and executed a circumnavigation of the DelMarVa (Delaware-Maryland-Virginia) peninsula in 1997. Our first offshore voyage. (394/394 nm)

    Voyage 1996: We planned a short trip to the Carolinas but we we asked by the USA to assist in Relief operations in Bosnia Herzegovina and Central Asia (Afghanistan relief). Here is a quick picture book summary.